Gettysburg Bicycle

We keep you rolling!

Ladies Road Ride This Saturday

Hello Ladies #2,
The ride will leave the shop at 9:00. Please park in the Edward Jones parking lot across the street. I will begin the ride with a brief explanation of the loop, etc. Kent will be taking a group photo to post on the shop website. Wear your shop jersey if you have one! We will do a 20 mile easy ride to see how that feels.

See you on Saturday for our first *GB&FLR*!!

20 mile Loop Directions:
We’ll head to East Confederate, L on Baltimore Pike, R on Blacksmith Shop, Straight on Hospital, L on Sachs, R on White Church, R Barlow Two Taverns, R Taneytown, L Barlow, R Chapel, R Marsh Creek, R Steinwehr, L Cunningham, R Shriver, R Red Rock…From here we can decide to head back to the shop or extend the loop a bit.

Updated: May 3, 2017 — 6:09 pm

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